Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Eye Acupressure Points for EYE PAINS
The first Eye Acupressure Point is located at both sides of the bridge of your nose. Find the spot that reacts with the pain on the finger pressure. Use middle finger tips to press this point.

The next dot is located right underneath the pupils.

Work on it for a minute, using different pressures of your massaging fingers. Then the next points will be your temples.

Again, you have to remember these dots are either painful or feel like there is a hole in the bone (Do not use any other objects for pressure on these dots except your own fingers!) And the last point of pressure (and usually the most painful one) is located in the middle of the eyebrow.

During this little massage session you will find out that your eyesight becomes much better, especially when you press on the dot from both sides of your nose.
If you would like you may add two more important points that are also located on the eyebrows.

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